C.T. (The City)
one-channel video loop, 05:11 min
This piece was filmed with an architectural sculptural model, simulating an underground fictional city. The installation was originally built for the 2003 exhibition “Blind, Bound, Bowed, Naked” presented at Herzliya Museum.
The camera shifts and navigates through walls along the city, without drawing attention to any one specific space. This creates a smooth movement between spaces, as it shifts from one area to another. The result of this approach creates an image of a city being scanned.
The work’s sound becomes the main commentator. On top of the track playing realistic audio, a special layer of sound was built by audio engineer and musician David Basan in order to depict an enormous, closed space.
Though the space appears empty, the possibility of human life is suggested by the movement of light, the sound of sirens, and recurring sounds of a piano being played.
This piece was exhibited in 'Scalamata Gallery' as part of Biennial events in Venice, Italy in