Chorus, installation view from the solo exhibition Leg type, The Lobby Art Space, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.
Leg Type- A Show in Five Acts
The Lobby Art Space
The exhibition dialogues with Sophocles' play "Oedipus Rex" (428 BCE), portraying various manifestations of fear. Wide-eyed visages with obstructed mouths (Chorus), the fettered feet of an infant displayed akin to forensic evidence (Oedipus infantis), a photograph of glassware resembling an eye socket that captures everything Jocasta prima), inexplicably running people (Curre! Curre! Curre!), and ultimately, a more visceral expression of terror -excrement in lowered feminine underwear (Jocasta altera).
The seeing eyes and the enucleated orbs explore, on one hand, the dread of seeing (knowledge), and on the other, voluntary blindness (willful ignorance) and blindness as punishment (the trauma of truth's revelation).
The gallery comprises three visible spaces and a fourth concealed area behind a purpose-built wall.
The gallery's interior space :
Chorus, A series of paintings portraying masks with excavated eye sockets.

Chorus, installation view, spray paint, paper cut and wood, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.

2019 Spray paint on paper, wooden construction with holes

2019 Spray paint on paper, wooden construction with holes

2019 Spray paint on paper, wooden construction with holes

2019 Spray paint on paper, wooden construction with holes
Oedipus infantis, A staged photograph depicting an infant's shackled feet positioned on a wooden structure reminiscent of an inverted pendulum.

Oedipus infantis, installation view, Inkjet Pigment Print, wood, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.

Oedipus infantis, detail, Inkjet Pigment Print, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.
The gallery's second space :
Jocasta prima A staged photograph of glassware, through which an vacant room is reflected in inversion.

Jocasta prima, Inkjet Pigment Print, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.
Curre! Curre! Curre!, The external aspect of the work - a barren wall with a centrally located aperture for observation.

Curre! Curre! Curre!, installation view, A hole in drywall, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.

Curre! Curre! Curre!, installation view, A hole in drywall, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.

Exhibition Space Simulation, The Lobby Art Space
The third space (hidden area behind a wall):
Curre! Curre! Curre!- Video installation. Through the wall's aperture, one can observe a video work viewed via a system of mirrors. Observers peering through the opening witness figures running along a corridor.

Curre! Curre! Curre!, installation view, A hole in drywall, & one channel video, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.
Curre! Curre! Curre!, one channel video, 2019
The gallery's posterior space:
Jocasta altera - Lowered feminine undergarments, containing a fecal deposit.

Jocasta altera , installation view, concrete, undergarments, and bronze casting, 2019. photo: Yigal Pardo.